What is the best kind of exercise?
If I am going to do one kind of exercise, what is the best kind of exercise? There is no such thing! It is actually best for your body,mind,
What makes GYROTONIC® different from yoga?
What makes GYROTONIC® different from yoga? Similarities -Mind-body exercise modalities – meaning the exercise requires the brain to be engaged and you will complete your session feeling relaxed and
What makes GYROTONIC® exercise different from Pilates?
What makes GYROTONIC® exercise different from Pilates? Similarities -Mind body exercise modalities – meaning the exercise requires the brain to be engaged and you will complete your session feeling
Wellness Holiday Travel
I hear a lot of reasons around the holidays why people struggle with their self care programs. One of them is traveling for the holidays. So how do we keep
Holiday Wellness Maintenance -step goals
Try Step Goals for Preventing Holiday Weight Gain. We have just finished Halloween and are into the Holiday countdown. I have been told that the average American gains 10 pounds